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Your saddaqah jariyyah today will go towards
Completion of CPSA’s new building project
One of only three things that can benefit a person after their passing from this world is sadaqah jarriyah, a donation that keeps on giving. Immortalized within the brick and stone of CPSA’s new building will be your donation, directed towards building a house of Allah SWT to benefit generations to come, insha’Allah.
Teaching an entire generation of students
CPSA is blessed with a unique opportunity to guide generation after generation of Muslim youth on their path to greatness and success. From teaching children in preschool how to pray to explaining physics and world politics to college-bound seniors, CPSA plays a pivotal role in the education of an entire generation.
Creating the leaders of tomorrow
By instilling in our students the fundamentals of deen, akhlaq, and adaab and coaching them on the importance of hard work and perseverance, CPSA plays an enormous role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. CPSA’s graduates are amongst the brightest and most socially responsible graduates in the community, and have gone on to accomplish many great things.
Paying our teachers a living wage
CPSA is not just a place where students come to learn, it’s the very foundation of a community that has grown at an astonishing rate over the past twenty years. The bedrock of this community and our institution are our teachers, and CPSA is committed to improving pay and benefits to ensure a continued healthy environment and proper recompense for those that have dedicated their lives to educating the youth of our community.