Join others in following the words of the Prophet and making a difference by committing to a monthly donation to benefit CPSA.
روي في صحيح البخاري عن أم المؤمنين عائشة

It is narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari by Aisha that the Prophet
was asked “Which of the actions are the most beloved to Allah SWT? He said “The most regular of them, even if it is little.” And he said “Take upon yourselves whatever you can withstand.”
It has never been this easy to reap the rewards of consistent sadaqah, and CPSA is among the worthiest of recipients. A waqf established solely for the sake of Allah SWT without beneficiaries or owners, serving the decade for over two-and-a-half decades. CPSA has touched the community around it and, in fact, the very nation itself in profound ways. It has graduated leaders in Islamic shariah and jurisprudence, medicine, computer science, engineering, law, and more. And CPSA was only ever possible thanks to the selfless sacrifice of countless individuals, from the teachers that chose to teach here when the world was theirs for the taking to members of the community that cashed in their retirement funds and mortgaged their houses to buy out the current building, CPSA is truly a community project like no other.
Today we are not asking for anyone to go to such lengths to keep CPSA’s doors open, but we do ask that you make a commitment to donate a small amount each month – whatever you can afford.