On behalf of the Board of Directors, the faculty, and the staff of College Preparatory School of America, we are sharing with our community today the news that Dr Mohammed Taher has announced his intention to retire and will be stepping down as principal of CPSA this summer. We are extremely grateful to Dr Taher for his stewardship and guidance during his tenure at CPSA. His experience, mentorship, and counseling will be missed by all that have worked with him since he was appointed to the position in 2016, and we all wish him the best in the next chapter of his life.
The CPSA Board of Directors is extremely happy to announce that Ms Samah Elzahdan, previously Dean of Student Affairs, has agreed to serve as the interim principal for the 2020-2021 school year while the Board forms an official search committee and advertises for the permanent position, as required by CPSA’s governing bylaws. Ms Elzahdan, who has been appointed with Dr Taher’s recommendation and full support, will work closely with our outgoing principal to ensure a smooth and seamless transition as she prepares to lead CPSA this upcoming school year.
Ms Elzahdan, who first joined CPSA in 2013 as the guidance counsellor before being named the Dean of Student Affairs, has a Master’s degree in school guidance counseling from Lewis University as well as her Type 73 Illinois Counseling Certificate, and is currently pursuing a certification in education administration. Ms Elzahdan enjoys a close working relationship with the rest of the CPSA faculty and has gained the full trust of our students, parents, and community over the years. While she takes the reigns at a difficult time as we negotiate the changes imposed on us all by the COVID-19 situation, she has the full confidence of the CPSA Board of Directors and has been spearheading the initiative to develop a comprehensive plan for the re-opening of the school for in-person teaching later this year, insha’Allah.